Things are much the same from my last post, I feel better, though nothing has really changed...just my reaction to it I suppose. I know and understand that I simply have to take things one day at a time. My eating has continued to be very good this week in spite of "it", so that is huge positive. As I said before, as a previously very overweight woman, it is important to me to make sure I don't resort to food at times of stress. After the weekend Halloween party and subsequent pizza/chips/cookies/candy I helped myself to, I am now comfortably back into the lower half of my maintenance range. This is good...though I want to drop another couple of pounds before I weigh in at Curves so I won't show a gain for the first time ever. Just as I had hoped, knowledge of that monthly weigh-in is a HUGE motivating tool for me to behave and maintain my weight. I may go overboard sometimes during the month, but I make sure as that weigh-in draws near I am doing what I'm supposed to do. Definitely a lifestyle I can live with for the rest of my life, because for months now I see that I can splurge and get right back on the wagon and take those few pounds off. For me, the slight up and down on the scale is well worth it because this way, I am allowing myself to eat those foods that I had stopped eating for so long. Though at times I can honestly say there have been nights that I have wanted to eat nearly everything sweet in the house and did eat much of it. Why? No clue. Thankfully those days do not happen often and when they do, I just dust myself off and climb back on the wagon. I hope this day finds you all doing well and enjoying the gorgeous fall weather. I have the Walk for Diabetes event to attend on Saturday with the family and I am looking forward to it. Not a long walk, only 3 miles, but its great to be out there with family/friends/co-workers knowing that I have helped in the fight against a disease that effects so many Americans. It is something I encourage each of you to get involved with if you aren't already. I am not a diabetic, though both my parents are and my grandfather and his mother were both taking insulin until they passed away. I see firsthand the effects of diabetes, this is one of the many things that gave me a firm kick in the pants to lose weight. I was very fortunate to weigh nearly 280 pounds and NOT have any sort of health problems. Thank GOD I got smart and took the steps needed to lose the weight and hopefully prevent health issues in the future. I know that as a 129 pound woman I am WAY less likely than I was 150 pounds ago. Enjoy your weekend....get out...get moving...enjoy the weather and enjoy your life!!!