Actually, my first bout with this crap only lasted 4 days or so and then I thought it was behind me. Then hubby got sick. And now I'm sick again! Ugh! Yesterday I felt like a truck ran over my head but managed to work all day in spite of it. Went straight home afterwards and climbed into bed for the rest of the night. Hubby brought me supper in bed and I went back to sleep after eating. I feel a little better today and he says I look better (though considering how bad I looked yesterday it didn't take much to be an improvement lol). My poor parents are still fighting it all as they have been without a break for the last 3 weeks! I can't imagine feeling like this for that long. Unfortunately since we have all been sick, I still haven't been back to the gym! In 3 weeks! Gasp! The only exercise I have done in 3 weeks is one 5 mile walk. I am so ready for Spring weather, longer days (which reminds me...don't forget to set clocks ahead this weekend), and more time to be outside in the fresh air. Provided that I continue to feel better I'll be walking this weekend and back to the gym next week. I have to applaud people who are committed to working out even when they are sick. I'm not one of them. I just want to sleep. On a different note, hubby made homemade beer battered onion rings last night with supper. Yep, they were horribly bad for me, but they were quite tasty. More please. lol I managed to not go back for seconds so it was still a successful meal.
Oh I really really hope I dont get the "all day" morning far so good!! Did you have it right from the beginning?
I hope you feel better soon!!
I hope you feel better soon. Our weather here is beautiful today. It is already 61 degrees. I have all the windows open. Thanks for reminding me about turning my clock ahead. Have a terrific Thursday.
I had it starting around 8 weeks or so I think and it last a couple of months or so. Ugh! I am starting to feel better as the day goes so hopefully that trend will continue!
Oh wow! I hope you feel better soon! I'm pulling for spring too, it makes it much easier to get up and out of the house.
I'm so sorry you've been sick. I hope you are feeling well soon.
We've had a recurrance of winter here - but that only means that spring is just around the corner!
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