Monday, March 16, 2009

Rainy Days

While we needed some rain, I hated that it pretty much rained all weekend. I'd had plans to go to the local trail and do a 5 mile walk on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and wasn't able to do any of them. Have plans to do it this afternoon too, but it isn't looking good at the moment. The weekend was a busy one but at least there was a little down time too. Friday I spent 2 hours at the doctor's office with my oldest daughter and then at the hospital waiting for an x-ray on her wrist. Earlier in the week she took a spill when the rope on the tire swing broke and her wrist wasn't getting any better. Figured better safe than sorry. Thankfully they called later that day to say the x-rays were normal. Took her back to school and set up with the office that she was to ride the bus home with a friend for a sleepover. She called me after school to say the office never delivered the note so she couldn't get on the other bus. Came home and mom got to get out again to take her to the sleepover. Saturday had to pick her up and go to the local Arts Festival where her chorus group was singing (thankfully the rain held off for awhile). Afterwards she asked to stay for awhile and hang out with her friends and they would bring her home. Got home and sat down, she called to ask me to come get her because it was raining and they weren't going to bring her home after all. Ugh! Back to the festival and back home in time for her other friend to arrive to stay the night. Worked on school projects yesterday as both girls had them. This was an experience....I'd be helping one at the computer and the other was yelling from the dining room that she needed help. After numerous times like that I had a mini-mommy-meltdown and reminded them that I am only one person and cannot possibly be in two places at once and to please have patience. Both projects did get finished thankfully! lol Dieting went well over the weekend and I have been holding pretty at 135 or a little less for the last week which I'm thrilled about. My mom has now officially reached her goal as well at around 142/144 so I am so very happy for her! Go mom!


jo said...

Rain, rain go away...I was thinking of that poem when I read your blog. Hoping you have sunny days ahead.

I think there's a reason I only have one child: I would be too overwhelmed with two.

Congrats to your mom!

Lost Half of Me said...

Thanks Jo...the rain FINALLY left us early last night! Back to the gym this afternoon adn afterwards I'll be hitting the trail. The two kiddies can be overwhelming at times, but SO well worth it! =D I'll also share your congrats with my mom.

Karyn said...

I remember those days of running after kids constantly! (Not so long ago)

Hope the sun comes out for you, soon!

And contrats to Mom! WTG!