Today is my birthday,,,,35 years old. It has always been strange to me to hear how people have such emotional issues tied to getting another year older. Birthdays don't faze me in the least. I mean, seriously, today I am one day older than I was yesterday...this is the exact same thing that happens every day of every year, so why should the fact that I am now 35 instead of 34 mean anything. I can however, look at myself today and smile at the fact that I am now so much healthier than I was at 30 years old, heck, healthier than I was even at 25 years old. My weight maintenance continues on pretty much uneventfully. I had another weigh-in at Curves last week and maintained on both my weight and my inches. Now that certainly isn't to say that I didn't gain when I went away to the beach for the weekend or the trip to Nashville, but as I've said before, thats fine with me as long as I get back on track when I return home. Over the weekend I splurged with all the birthday celebrations, but again, thats acceptable to me now. Once today is over with, I'll be back on my game plan. It is nice to occasionally just order what I want off a restaurant menu without focusing strictly on what I "need" to eat rather than what I might "want" to eat. While I rarely ever go out to dinner with that mindset, I think it's important to occasionally do that and its something I haven't done. One thing I need to pay close attention to is my weekness over a pumpkin bread that I make. I baked 9 loaves yesterday and ate way too much of it. But it was the first time I've made it since I started my journey is Jan. 2007, so that's okay. Karyn shared with me on the comments about the Curves weight loss "mantra" which I'd never heard before. I guess I do something loosely similiar to that by watching the scale and staying within my range that I set for myself, but I might try the three pound thing. Have a wonderful Monday everyone!
Happy Birthday! I, too, do not see the big deal over birthdays...never did. The only thing is, I wish the body didn't wear out as it gets older. But then, that is one thing I am working on here....making my body more healthy and strong!
I am so looking forward to the day I can order what I 'want' off the menu (at least once in awhile). Your success encourages me.
Thank you was very strange to order as I did last night at the restaurant. Normally I focus on grilled items and ask sauces to be left off, substitute veggies instead of pasta or potatoes. But it was a nice change to allow that splurge. I will continue to mainly focus on the healthier choices. Of course my splurge wasn't horribly bad, I did have broccoli, the potatoes were a normal "no no" for me, and I had chicken that had bacon and BBQ sauce on it. Not horrendous but defnitely not something I'd do all the time. THank you for the birthday wishes,,,my family has made it a nice day. Tomorrow will be time to get back to the better food choices. Today has been a day to want to eat constantly! Have a wonderful day Karyn!
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