This one is my dear husband and I. Since I've lost weight I absolutely LOVE to sit on his lap!!
And here is one of my favs of me and my beautiful daughters!
It still feels strange to me to look at all these pics we had taken (nearly 300) and be PROUD of them and to think I look good in them rather than to cringe with embarrassment when I'm forced to look at my size in a picture.
Thanks for the sweet comment! No u cannot taste them in it at all. I put my sauce and the carrots in the blender and blend them all together, so u don't even know they are there. Great idea for the kids! My mom alot of times will buy jars of baby food and put them in her dishes for the veggies to hide from the kiddos! Congrats on all the weight loss!!!
Thanks for the info and the congrats!
Those are really lovely pictures! Your girls look very happy, and so do you!
Thank you so much for your prayers and support this week. It means a lot to me. :)
I absolutely love the photos - you look great, and the one of you and your daughters is definitely something to hang up on the wall!
Thanks for the kind words about the pics! The photographer took nearly 300 pics and the majority of them were great. I already warned hubby that I'm going to have a really hard time choosing!
Wow you indeed are looking good. I am really struggling right now. These pics are encouraging!
Mrs. Darling,
We ALL have those days of struggling where we wonder if we can ever possibly make it to the goals we have set. I think the key is just to keep muddling along even when you temporarily lose sight of what you are working toward.
You are such an inspiration!
Thanks for visiting my blog...people like you are the reasons I keep going! The pictures are beautiful!
You look SO good! I cannot wait for the day that I am proud of a photo of me....still not there, that's for sure.
Sitting on my man's lap...that is another goal that inspires me to keep on keeping on!
I love the photos! Thanks for sharing them.
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