Yesterday's meals were 100% on target. No bad food of any kind. Today the scale was down to 135.4 so "technically" I am 135 and back in my "range" I'd set for maintenance. However, that certainly isn't to say I can slack off. Nope, I want to be back around 130...the middle of my range. Enough of the splurging and enjoying too many of the things that SHOULD have been the occasional treat. I also know I need to focus my attention back to exercise which I can often be bad about not doing. Last year, until the days got shorter, I was walking ALOT (80 to 120 miles each month) on top of going to the gym at least 3 times a week. When the time changed that commitment also changed. I started out by continuing to walk on weekends and pretty soon, I wasn't doing it at all. I also wasn't being as faithful about the gym as I should have been. But I have recommitted to being better about my exercise! I am going back to Curves (my insurance started paying for it again) twice a week with my mother and I am also planning to go to my other gym (the one I actually pay for) twice a week. On top of that, yesterday I made plans with a friend to start meeting to walk every Saturday morning at 7:30am. Hubby and I had started doing the Wii Fit every night at home as well, but unfortunately that can be time consuming when I don't get off work until 6pm. I think a better plan would be to shoot for doing it at least 3 times a week as well. This is definitely do-able and is something I am going to push myself to complete. If I get more, great. If I don't do 3 times, I'll ask one of my kids for a swift kick in the butt. I am also going back to being more strict with myself. While I am at goal and CAN be more flexible and enjoy the sweets in moderation, I want to make a goal to limit myself to only a couple of days each week where I will partake of such things. With all of these things working together, I should find myself back at 130 in no time if I stay the course....
In short, my goals are:
1. Work out at Curves at least twice a week
2. Work out at Riviera at least twice a week
3. Walk at least 5 miles each week
4. Work out on Wii Fit at least three times each week
5. Limit myself to having desserts/evening snacks twice a week and then IN MODERATION!!
I plan to post every day to track my progress on meeting those goals so I can hold myself accountable. Just because I am in the weight maintenance part of my journey I don't want to get too lax and forget that my body STILL needs the exercise that got me here! Have you set any goals for yourself lately?