Monday, January 19, 2009

Back to the Grind

I have noticed in the last month that I have gotten much more lax about my eating and have been allowing myself WAY more junk food than I need. Thankfully I haven't had any of the days where I just want to eat anything that gets in my way, but my routine has changed and I need to make the necessary modifications to continue my weight maintenance. My routine changed because we were on vacation the last week of December/first part of January and then returned home to my husband going back to day shift after having spent the last 3 years on the 3 to 11 shift. Don't get me wrong, I am LOVING having him home in the evenings and being able to eat as a family and cuddle on the couch in front of the fire each night. BUT on the flip side, hubby is an awesome cook! When he was working nights, the kids and I generally ate dinner with my parents who are also dieting so my suppers would be pretty low calorie (meats, steamed veggies, etc.). But now that hubby is home to cook, he has been making fabulous suppers that have had me being tempted into "just a little more" seconds, something I haven't done in a very long time. This is okay every now and then, but not on a routine basis. One night he also made a delicious red velvet cake with cream cheese icing for dessert. Hold me back! lol Sweets are my weakness and something I have to constantly be careful with. We rented movies the other night and ran by the pharmacy to grab something and I was in the mood for M&M's. However, instead of being semi-good and getting the little pack, we got a 3 lb. monstrosity. Why??!! I sure as heck didn't need that many M&Ms sitting around the house calling my name, but we got it anyway. Big mistake! HUGE mistake! Ate way too many that night, some more the next day, and you know how it goes. lol Thankfully the kiddies have nearly wiped those babies out (of course daddy and I have done our part to help with the cleanup is our parental duty you know), the cake is down to only 1 slice (which my daughter most likely finished off today while she was home from school), and I have vowed to clean up my act. My weight is still doing okay. I'm averaging 137 lately which is okay, but not within the "range" I really want to stay in. My own fault and that's fine. On a positive note, figure I'd doing pretty great metabolism wise if I have been splurging way too much and still have been mainting around 137.'s time to get back to the grind, get back to limiting my portions to ONE ONE ONE, and stay away from the junk food except every now and then (every night does not constitute "every now and then"). I had a lot of motivation to continue on my path of weight maintenance over the weekend. I have finally signed up for Facebook at the urging of several good friends. I was pleasantly surprised how many of my former classmates are on it and have had a blast reconnecting with them and catching up with how they are all doing. You can post pictures of yourself, family, etc. so I postd some of mine. I got several messages from old classmates telling me how great I look and one went even farther to say it looks like I just stepped out of high school while every one else has aged! Boy this made my head swell just a tad! lol It made me think back on the years before I lost weight and how back then, I would not have even THOUGHT of posting my picture, and if I did, it would most certainly have been a head shot only, which still would have embarrassed me beyond belief. But now, well now I was actually proud to post my picture! That feeling along made me remember how so very worth it every good food choice and every day at the gym or walking really was. I will forever hold onto that feeling of pride and accomplishment that I was reminded about when my friend sent me her message. Hope you all are doing well and continuing to fight your battle! The end is SO WORTH THE HARD WORK!!!


Karyn said...

That is so great, that you can proudly post photos of yourself! I still avoid putting photos of myself up, even though I feel so much better about myself.

Maybe you should put an actual deffinition to "now and then" as in....once a week or twice a week...that way, you know that you can still have a treat tonight because you have not had one yet this week - or you cannot have a treat because you already had your treat for the week. (or whatever time limit you give yourself)

Just an idea.

Karyn said...

PS...I am also on facebook - look me up...Karyn Hutchinson.

I don't know your name though, so you'd better tell me you are from "Lost Half of Me" so I know who you are. LOL

Lost Half of Me said...

Good idea Karyn...will have to try that and beat hubby with a stick if he makes another cake. lol On a positive note, the cake is now gone and the M&Ms are too. Told him I want a nice light dinner tonight so he is making fish and spaghetti squash. Yum! Will definitely look for you tonight on Facebook!

Lori said...

You have done awesome!

Good for you on catching the 'creep' that happens with food before it got out of control.

Lost Half of Me said...

Thanks Lori...I think that's why I will always be a daily "weigher" because it helps me stay on target and doesn't let me forget if the weight starts to creep up.

Anonymous said...

I know...where was dan?

you look amazing!! so nice to have hubby home!!

I look forward to following your blog

Lost Half of Me said...

Thank you Gracie! Yes, I am really enjoying having hubby at home. 3 years will him on 3 to 11 was enough to last for quite awhile!