Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Light Bulb Moment

A couple of months ago while blogging about having a day or two where I'd been constantly hungry and ready to eat anything in sight, I wondered if it might possibly have something to do with TOM. I had planned to notice the following month to see if there was a pattern I'd just never paid attention to before. Well, the following month when my visitor came, I was on vacation and pretty much not eating all that great anyway. No answer. Well, yesterday I was again having one of those days. I did pretty good all day (except for a piece of Bavarian Creme King Cake my co-worker brought back from her Louisiana trip over the weekend...BAD BAD Co-Worker!! lol), ate a nice healthy supper hubby had lovingly prepared. And then disaster struck. It started with the Dove chocolate bar he brought me from the store. Not bad in itself, 200 calories, so definitely do-able. But then, I was still hungry and had some Honey BBQ chicken bites, a granola bar, a peanut butter sandwich, and a few chips among other odds and ends. Finally he walked past me, saw me with the chips, said "NO WAY" and took them bye-bye. As he did it he said I'm doing what you told me to do. GO GARY!! With that little slap on the hand, my food-fest was over. Thank God! Too bad I didn't go get him earlier. lol Oh well, the damage was done, I felt pretty miserable, time to move on. All this is to say, this morning, TOM came and wah-lah...I have my answer. I now fully realize that these urges to eat, eat, eat are occuring during this time period. Next month I am going to try to not only recognize it for what it is (hormones and all that crap), but try to STOP it in its tracks. Eating just because of THAT is certainly NO real reason to eat. No clue how but the scales were not as merciless as I expected this morning. Today is a new day and I am back on target...I also got to start my new work hours today so I'll be getting off at 4:30 rather than 6pm each day. This will give me time to go home and walk like I used to which I'm really excited about!


Karyn said...

it is always good to find reasons for what we do or even feel.

WTG on looking for patterns and reasons instead of just getting down on yourself.

How are you going to deal with this problem next month?

Lost Half of Me said...

My initial plan is to discuss it with hubby and tell him the deal I have noticed. THEN, next month when I feel that way, I'm going to recognize it for what it is, and try to avoid munching just to be doing it. If all else fails, I'll go get hubby and tell him to "police me" and keep me out of the kitchen. lol It only seems to last one day so that should work. lol

new*me said...

That sounds like a great time to get off of work.

I notice that happens with me at TOM too. I have noticed if I really watch the caffeine and try to eat a little more protein, it helps a little ........but I still want chocolate :)

Lost Half of Me said...

Other than the reasonable slice of King cake at work, I did great all day at work, and thru supper. But once I ate the chocolate candy bar, it was a free-for-all. lol I wonder if I'd have managed better if I'd said no to the chocolate? Maybe that'll be once of my next tests when this problem rears its head.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Stick me around anything besides dog food around my TOM and I'll eat it. Even off the floor.
Found your blog, and think it is super cute!!

Lost Half of Me said...

Thank you! All I can say is thank goodness its only one day for me...technically only a few hours this time as I'd done well the rest of the day. lol

Glenda, saved by grace said...

Your blog encourages me!
I wanna loose 1/4th of me!
O and when those gotta have it moments come...chew gum!
Ps I'm following you, come follow me!Glenda ♥

Mrs. Darling said...

Oh my I have known for years that I can eat a cow live in the field on the day before my period. LOL Seriously, I am just starved. Long ago I said something to my doctor about it and she said it is proven that the homrones released then do indeed cause hunger. Now that Im in menopause I can have 2 periods in 4 weeks. This is why Ive een saying on my blog that its so hard to lose weight when menopause strikes. You go through those hunger times every 14 days!

Wow Im so glad you figured this out. It really will make a difference for you.

Lost Half of Me said...

Thanks for coming by Glenda...you'll make it! Ms. Darling...all I can say is OH MY GOSH!!! You poor thing dealing with that so often!

Meg said...

I have this problem too. It's particularly bad during the winter months, when the urge to eat is up anyways. Congrats on figuring it out, and let me know how your strategies for dealing with it work out! ^_^
