It's been a very good week of being back on target with my meals after splurging all weekend in Nashville. I have managed to stay away from those yummy pralines we brought back other than taking one bite of hubby's last night after dinner. I have a little over 1 pound left to lose and I'll be back to pre-weekend weight, so not too shabby. I am looking forward to a new dish tomorrow night for supper. We're having our family night where we play games with the kiddies and we're going to make homemade pizzas. The kids will do their own but then hubby and I are going to try something I saw in a magazine. You use the patty pan squash and slice them to about 1/4 inch thick. Broil them for about 5-10 minutes. Put your desired toppings on them and broil another 5 to 10 minutes. We're going to try to make taco pizza with them. Sounds very strange but who knows, it may be delicious. At worst, we'll throw them in the trash and find something else to eat. Hopefully we'll love them as this will be such a low calorie "pizza" choice for us. I'll let you know how that creation goes. Hubby has lost all of the weight that he gained over our trip so he was a happy little camper. He is back at his lowest point in about 10 years now (217) so I reminded him to be really good this weekend and maybe he'll see the scale creep even lower. I am so proud of him! My prayers go out to any of you in the path of Hurricane Ike this weekend. Please be careful and take precautions to protect yourself and your family. Possessions can be replaced (as I well know) but your family cannot.
I love to make pizza with the kids too :) I make homemade wheat crust most of the time so I don't feel guilty eating it :)
So great that you tackle the vacation weight right away...that's staying accountable!
I have come to the conclusion that I am going to allow myself to indulge on trips and not worry so much about weight gain. Period. But immediately upon returning home, I get on track and stay away from junk food and things until I am back where I am supposed to be. I also found a recipe for making a pizza crust with grated squash in it. I'll be trying that one next.
What an AMAZING story you have. WOW!! So proud of you for losing so much weight. To want to do it, believe you could do it, then actually do it is an amazing accomplishment. I am just so impressed. I wish you would post a pictures "after" picture of yourself. Your body fat percentage is AWESOME too. Do you do strength training and cardio? --Dawn
I will be interested to see what you think of that pizza. I love pizza! I like squash too so that might be a good alternative.
Exercise-wise I go to Curves three times each week and I also belong to a gym with my hubby (though I've slacked on going there the last couple of months). I also walk 80 to 100 miles each month.
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