Strange title, isn't it? But I say that because at least for me, it is often so true. When I was at my heaviest weight (277), I KNEW that I was overweight. I KNEW that I was really overweight. But I could for some reason look in the mirror and not THINK that I looked as big as I did. And then I would see one of those rare pictures that I tried to avoid being taken and reality would slap me in the face with a 2X4. I would immediately start thinking how I couldn't believe I really looked like that. My mirror didn't seem to reflect it, but those darn photos sure did. And now I find myself at the opposite end of the spectrum, at my goal weight. I look in the mirror now and I like what I see much better, but I don't see the really skinny woman that everyone else SAYS that I am. While I saw myself as smaller when I was overweight, I now see myself as bigger now that I'm at a healthy weight. Not to the point of how you read that some people still see themselves as fat. No, I certainly don't see that. Heck, maybe I should chalk it up to my mind being in denial. Yes, that makes sense. Before I was in denial that I was almost 300 pounds, that I was one person taking up more space that TWO normal weight women would use. Now maybe my mind is still in denial that I have finally reached my goal and am finally at a healthy weight. Who knows. As I said, I look in the mirror and I like what I see now. I enjoy having photos taken now. Gasp at the mere thought! lol But sometimes it still catches me off guard when people show appreciation for how I look again. I spent so much time being overweight, being used to avoiding attention, that it takes me by surprise when someone goes out of their way to whistle or yell at me when I'm out walking on the trail or when I go out to get the mail. Heck, one day I was stopped at a stoplight and the guy next to me honked his horn and got me to roll down the window so his male passenger could tell me I was beautiful. While I am happily married and only have eyes for my loving husband, it does add a little spring to my step when these sorts of things happen. I tell my husband that it shocks me when it happens and he just smiles and tells me I better get used to it. lol Have you noticed that as you lose weight, you are enjoying the attention and appreciation of others rather than trying to avoid it at all costs like you used to? Do you have magic mirrors in your home like I do that make it difficult to see yourself as others do?
Definitely. I still see myself as having so much farther to go, and yet others tell me that I'm doing really well and am "so skinny." I do not see that as all.
And when I was (more) overweight?
Definitely didn't see myself that way either. So those damn mirrors have to be in my house too!
LOL So glad to hear I'm not the only one! Keep up the awesome job on your own weight loss journey!
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